Refund Policy
You can return any product within 14 days of receiving your order for a full refund if your product is faulty. The customer will cover the cost of return shipping charges. Please click on the Contact Us page and we will be happy to provide you with a return address. Once we have received your order and confirmed that the fault is a damage to package issue we will be able to issue a full refund. We are however unable to refund shipping charges.
If your order has not yet shipped you may cancel your order and we will issue a full refund. Please note that once your order has shipped we cannot issue a refund or cancel the order while it is in transit. Once you receive your order you may return it to us and we will issue a full refund once we have received your order back to our warehouse and checked the items are still in a new and unused condition.
All refunds will appear on your statement in 5-10 working days on average.